कुल पेज दृश्य

रविवार, 30 जनवरी 2011

Pahle Murgi Aayi ya pahle Anda aaya ?????

Is duniya me pahle Murgi aayi ya pahle Anda ??? 
पहले ंमुर्गी आयी या पहले अण्डा आया ?

1- Biology says-
 दुनिया मे पहले एक कोशिकीय जीव आये फिर बहु कोशिकीय जीव बने -
          अन्डा एक कोशिकीय है जबकि मुर्गी बहु कोशिकीय. 

2-Chemistry says-
   फहले सरल तत्वो का निर्माण हुआ और बाद मे जटिल तत्व बने-
          अन्डे  की संरचना सरल है  जब्कि मुर्गी की जटिल .

  3-Economic says- 
सस्ती चीज पहले आती है और  मंहगी  चीजें बाद मे-
           अण्डा सस्ता है जब्कि मुर्गी मंह्गी.
4-Muslim  and  Christian Religion say- 
मुस्लिम धर्म के अनुसर पहले Adam (male ) की रचना हुयी और बाद मे  Eve (female ) की-
अण्डा male gender के रुप मे जाना जाता है जब्कि मुर्गी female gender के रुप मे जानी जाती है.
5-Hindu Religion says-
 इस  दुनिया कि रचना Golden Egg से हुयी है न की मुर्गी से.
6-English language says-
 'E' पहले  आता है और 'H"  बाद में  ( E for Egg, H for Hen).
8-Our Earth is like  Anda not like Murgi. हमारी पृथ्वी अण्डाकार है न की मुर्गी के आकार की.
9- हिन्दी भाषा में    पहले आता है और    बाद में  ( से अण्डा और   से मुर्गी).

                      मतलब अंडा पहले आया न की  मुर्गी .......


शनिवार, 29 जनवरी 2011

Meditation - An Escape from the real Responsibilites...

I am not against the meditation as i myself medidate often, as it helps to concentrate the mind.
But is should be taken just a simple routine exercise to provide relaxation to our mind, in the same way as any
sport is good for our body fitness.
I am against the thought that meditation is s way of finding knowledge and a way of  being  closer to God.
Who got the knowledge doing mediation ???
                                                           oh ! Mahatma Budh ???  then tell me what knowledge he got. Is that knowledge relevant in todays scenario ? whether he got closer to god ?
“Against Meditative Knowledge” by Rabindranath Tagore:
                                  " and meditate to know if the world’s true or lies,
                                   may do so. It's their choice. But I meanwhile
                                   with hungry eyes that cant be satisfied
                                   shall take a look at the world in broad daylight. (1896) "

"I" is never blamed ...

  "I" is the finest, purest, honest and worthiest  creature of  the universe. "I" is never blamed,  Because all the       mischiefs, irregularities and irresponsibility  are done by the others (including  "you", "he", "she" , or "they").
  How can "I" do wrong !
 "He" is not responsible because he does not clean the road on which we throw the  chips packets(ignoring the  dust bin).   " They " are greedy because they demand for dowry on their son's  marriage, only "We" never  demand( having no son,but only daughters).

"Every one" is saying that he is  suffering from the corruption, then who is making the corruption ???
       Dare to blame yourself , dare to blame "I"....



गुरुवार, 27 जनवरी 2011

Definition of GOD....The best definition of the God is that It can not be defined...

We always talk about the time when the sun is set or sun  rises...
BUT .......remember we are Wrong here..........because sun is never risen or set....It is our Earth that moves around the Sun and creates a situation ,that sun light comes to us...or not.....

               We always pose that humans are the cleverest creature...we are the wisest one....
                BUT.....WE ARE OFTEN WRONG.....The purpose of my blog is to make a discussion on such topics....

keep on reading me ..............