कुल पेज दृश्य

शनिवार, 29 जनवरी 2011

"I" is never blamed ...

  "I" is the finest, purest, honest and worthiest  creature of  the universe. "I" is never blamed,  Because all the       mischiefs, irregularities and irresponsibility  are done by the others (including  "you", "he", "she" , or "they").
  How can "I" do wrong !
 "He" is not responsible because he does not clean the road on which we throw the  chips packets(ignoring the  dust bin).   " They " are greedy because they demand for dowry on their son's  marriage, only "We" never  demand( having no son,but only daughters).

"Every one" is saying that he is  suffering from the corruption, then who is making the corruption ???
       Dare to blame yourself , dare to blame "I"....



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